The Tuscany region was just given a green light to plant 148,000 acres of wheat and other grains to make up for the drop in imports of grain and flour due to the conflict in Ukraine. The supply and demand of agricultural products, specifically grains, has caused a supply emergency in Tuscany. The uncertainty of import and the sky-rocketing prices of pasta and flour is having a direct impact on the food industry in Tuscany.
The derogation from the current regulations, the decree to approve this grain acreage was signed by the Minister of Food and Forestry Policies Stefano Patuanelli. This made the exceptions to the regulations to the CAP Operations in order to obtain the payment of sustainable treatment of land and the readmission of over 494,000 acres nationwide.
The acreage will be spread across the region, planting 40,000 acres in Grosseto, 37,000 acres in Siena, 19,000 acres in Florence, 17,000 acres in Pisa, 7,000 acres in Livorno and 3,000 acres in Luca. With just 148,000 acres of farming, this land can yield 165,000 tons of grain. According to Fabrizio Filippi, the president of Coldiretti Toscana, this is a first important step in reducing Tuscany’s independence on various grains abroad.
“In Tuscany, and as in the whole country, there is land availability that can allow us to increase internal production and reduce the gap, just as there are companies ready to return to sowing cereals through the stipulation of supply chain contracts that guarantee a fair remuneration to farmers and a certain supply to pasta factories and processors,” Filippi said. “Only in this way can we defend ourselves from speculation and aim for food sovereignty within two to three years.”
This action will increase the potential of agriculture production for both human and livestock consumption to counteract the outcomes of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. With a sharp increase in the prices of raw materials and impacts on the supply and demand of agricultural products, it is important that Tuscany finds independence in grain supply.