Tuscany attracts thousands of tourists in every season of the year, who wish to immerse in the heritage
of the centuries of Italian culture, cuisine and art.
A unique opportunity to do so occurs once a year with the special opening of privately-owned gardens and courtyards of by the Association of Italian Historic Dwellings (A.S.D.I.), which will take place in 2016 on Sunday, May 22. Admission is free and hours are 10 am – 1 pm, 3 – 7 pm.
North of Florence, castles and villas await the visitor. There will be access to the sanctuary, grottos and hermitage of the Monte Senario sanctuary, and the Villa di Bivigliano has prepared creative cooking demonstrations highlighting herbs and edible flowers. Siena, Lucca and Pisa will also present unique opportunities to discover hidden green spaces and architectural gems. The Trebbio Castle is also offering visits to the wine cellars and wine tasting.
In the Tuscany, 82 parks and ancient buildings will welcome visitors on this special day. Below are some of highlights.
Chiostro San Francesco (piazza San Francesco, 20 – Lucca)
Palazzo Massoni Garden (via dell’Angelo Custode, 24- Lucca)
Villa Rossi (via di Villa Altieri, 1672 – Gattaiola)
Villa Buonvisi Dini (via per Villa Gaia, 277 – Massa Pisana)
Cloister di Santa Caterina (piazza Santa Caterina, 4- Pisa)
Palazzo del Vigna – Royal Victoria Hotel (lungarno Pacinotti, 12- Pisa)
Hanging Garden (Lungarno Pacinotti, 26 – Pisa)
Venerosi Pesciolini Garden (via della Chiesa, 4, Ghizzano, Peccioli), is also hosting the inauguration of an exhibition at 5 pm titled “Myths and Metamorphosis in the Ghizzano’s Sound Garden.”
Villa Torrigiani Malaspina (piazza Vittorio Veneto – Montecastello, Pontedera) Open from 10 am- 1 pm and 2 -6 pm. Music from the 18th – 19th century will be performed by the Chi Vuol Esser Lieto Sia ensemble.
Villa Gentili Garden (via dei Molini, 14 – Avane, Vecchiano) The garden will host the show Cuisine in Art, a presentation on how food has been depicted throughout the centuries. From 4:30 pm tea will be served during “Il te per Jane,” a lecture on Jane Austin’s role in romantic literature. Tickets: €9; for reservations call 320 4122440
In the historical city center of Pisa guided tours will be provided to the hidden gardens of the town by the City Grand Tour Association (adult €10, €6 for members, free under 14). The visits start at 10:30 am and 3:30 pm from the Fontana dei Putti in piazza dei Miracoli.
To see more information on the special openings in the Tuscan countryside, visit the official page of the Association of Historic Italian Dwellings: www.adsi.it. (gréta szabó)