It’s possible that the iron has never been hotter for those looking to fulfill a dream of living in Tuscany, and for a low cost. The WivoaRadicondoli project, aimed at repopulating some of Tuscany’s least densely populated areas, gives prospective residents the chance to live in the village of Radicondoli for half price. Rents are slashed up to 50% in order to entice prospective buyers into making the move down to the province of Siena.
Up to 200 euros are allocated per month to families or individuals who buy property in the village to help with the cost of rent. The maximum period for this stipend is 24 months, meaning no more than €2400 can be allocated for one party. Only one person needs to apply on behalf of a family, and while documented citizenship must be proved, it does not have to be Italian. Unless you are under the age of 35, you are ineligible to apply if you have already been a resident of Radicondoli as of February 28, 2023.
Radicondoli is not alone in this game. Other small towns have set the precedent for such an initiative, such as Santa Fiore on Monte Amiata. Located in the province of Grosseto, Santa Fiore employed a strategy that has been emulated in Radicondoli: half-priced rents and maximums of €200, though only for up to six months.
Interestingly, Santa Fiore in the Amiata region began enterprise amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic and placed a premium on promoting a remote workspace away from the chaos. And although the monetary assistance would run out after six months, Santa Fiore envisioned the village to be more than just a stop on the road. The village offered necessary amenities to support familial lifestyles, such as nurseries and day-care. Complete with high-speed, ultra-broadband internet access, the total package could seemingly be found in Santa Fiore.
Further north in Radicondoli, the message is more or less the same. While there is variety, it is family-oriented messaging that is at the heart of the promotions. Financial assistance with schooling is part of the “Family Package,” as is help with utilities costs at home, such as heating and hot water. According to its website, “The family is the soul of the WivoaRadicondoli project.” The local government has expressed its wishes to increase the population by about 50 to 60 people through the WivoaRadicondoli. As of now, just over 900 people call the village home.
The village itself is quite antiquated and perhaps not the textbook definition of glamorous, which could be viewed as the tradeoff for such low rents. It is not near any major cities either, the closest being Siena, still 50 miles away. However, its isolation is its greatest strength, and the impetus for the project. This is aimed to restimulate the population and usher the village into a new era, spearheaded by families deciding to settle in this tiny area in rural Tuscany. The time to strike is now. (Colin Healy)