Pisa’s Internet Festival is taking place as would be normally scheduled with the title #RESET. The 10th edition features four days of events, panels, meetings and debates from October 8-11. This year experts and enthusiasts will address the question: how has the web changed during the pandemic and how has the web changed the pandemic? Organizers affirm a goal to returning the true protagonist back to the center of the tech scene: human creativity.
Guests include a leading expert in computational epidemiology, members of the anti-COVID task force in the ministry for technological innovation, experts in artificial intelligence, information technology authorities, economists, philosophers and writers. Live panels can be followed online or in one of the 10 different venues in the city of Pisa.
One of the issues analyzed is the role of social media as it influences information and democracy, with a special webinar on the U.S. Presidential election and the U.S. Constitutional system, paying particular attention to political communication. Another online panel explores the impact of new technologies on populist movements. In particular, it will address the state of democratic institutions put “under stress” by the new manners of political interaction during the pandemic.
The challenge of sustainability also plays a central role in the festival with an interactive installation by Legambiente, the Environmental League. Workshops and events dedicated to the younger generations, held in festival venues, in the city’s schools and online include an international online challenge on quantum physics entitled Quantum Game Jam. The Officine Garibaldi will host the Tech Jobs Fair from 9 am to 1 pm, and again from 3 to 6 pm (free admission).
Limited access to events in the 10 venues spread out over the city will be monitored and safety conditions in accordance with health regulations will be in place. For complete information and schedule visit the festival website. (rita kungel)