Tuscan governor Eugenio Giani signed a regional decree on November 28 partially amending the red zone limitations that will remain in force until at least December 3, 2020. While shops, and nail salons remain closed in addition to cafes and restaurants except for take out or delivery, pet grooming salons may reopen. Giani also went on record to state that he expects that Roberto Speranza, the Minister of Health, will re-classify Tuscany as a orange zone beginning December 4.
Residents may now travel outside their town of residence to their vacation homes, trailers, campers or boats for maintenance or repairs as well as to nearby towns either for visiting one’s child (in the case of a separated or divorced parent) or shopping, but must return home on the same day. Ditto to work in one’s garden outside town, and to look after farm animals. Those with a license may go out of town to hunt, fish or search for truffles.
As regards to educational opportunities and/or attending courses outside the Italian school system, in-person science labs and internships can continue, while only individual private lessons have the green light in lieu of group music, art, photography and language classes.
Any and all these exceptions to the current red zone restrictions must be listed on the document that each individual must carry self-certifying the reason (work, health, necessity) for leaving the house. (rosanna cirigliano)
To read more in Italian, visit Florence’s La Repubblica news site.