Orthodontists, family doctors and pharmacists at their place of work will give anti-Covid vaccines to Tuscan residents 60 and over from the beginning of June, with pharmacies offering the same service starting mid-month. Many dentists have already administered shots at public vaccine hubs and at Florence’s Palagi Hospital since the beginning of the campaign, while family doctors have finished vaccinating their patients over 80.
The Tuscan Region also announced how to obtain a “vaccine pass” (also known as a “green pass”) that allows one to participate in events, conference and congresses, religious and public ceremonies apart from worship as well as to be able to travel to “red” or “orange” regions (of which there are none at the moment). The “vaccine pass,” is valid for nine months from the date of issue and precedes the digital European travel “green pass” available from mid-June onwards.
Here’s how to obtain a “Green Pass”:
— by accessing one’s personal, digital health information (fascicolo sanitario elettronico)
— by utilizing the SST Smart App on your phone
— from the Italian Health Ministry’s website.
— from touch screens in local health departments in Tuscany or touch screens located in major Tuscan hospitals
— from one’s family doctor.
— from city-run pharmacies who will print a copy for free upon request with one’s tessera sanitaria (health card).
As of May 26, 2021, 1,268,000 Tuscan residents of out of an eligible 3,000,000 have received their first jab, with 685,000 (20% of the population) fully immunized. (rosanna cirigliano)