Vanessa Fabbri and Daniele Cerofini planned a spring wedding, but the Coronavirus emergency set up major obstacles on their nuptial plans. Determined to tie the knot, Fabbri, a singer and Cerofini, a drummer made their own wedding music in the municipal offices of the town of Cavriglia (Arezzo) wearing masks and gloves. Mayor Lorenzo degli Innocenti O Sanni also donned gloves and mask and officiated in the joyous occasion.
The mayor wrote, “In the Valdarno devastated by outbreaks of the virus . . . it was an important message to say that love does not stop.” He continued on to convey that work, transport, politics, business and other sectors of the Italian society and economy may have stopped but that love always finds a way. Likening the romantic love to the love seen in the hospitals where doctors and nurses put their own lives at risk to help save others’ lives and the young volunteers who are committed to helping the elderly and lonely, Degli Innocenti O Sanni expressed hope for the future.
Hope springs eternal but love conquers all.
To read more in Italian, visit Florence’s La Repubblica news site. (rita kungel)