New End-of-Quarantine Ordinance & Public Transport Service Cuts

Public transport workers have been hard hit by the Omicron wave of contagions.  A total of 632 bus drivers (675 on January 14) are presently in quarantine out of a total of 4,000, leading to significant cuts in service throughout the region.
34% of Covid patients in Italian hospitals were admitted with other illnesses and were tested and diagnosed with COVID before being admitted for other reasons.  50% of all non-essential surgery is currently being postponed.  A total of 3,172,800 residents (out of 3,700,000) in Tuscany have been given their first jab, with 1,505,174 already having received the booster.  There has been a significant upswing in first jabs for people over 50 given that it will become mandatory (rosanna cirigliano)